On a semi-regular basis I am hired to help Sweden Unlimited with UI/UX projects, and also some random retainer projects ranging from photo editing to creating images for emails or social media campaigns. The work is both onsite and remote—depending on clarity of the task at hand, and if a design lead must explain details to me in person—and can range from days to multiple weeks at a time.
Kate Spade's new responsive website design was a project that I was heavily involved with. The sheer mass of their UX requirements, combined with a tight deadline and previously unorganized process files (and WIP design files built in Illustrator, when the dev team required Sketch), resulted in Sweden hiring me to chip away at the hundreds of pages of UI work necessary to complete this project. I am happy to say that I helped them meet their deadline.
I developed the grids, and stress tested line lengths and image sizes for all breakpoints.
A limitation was the fact that in the process of designing Kate Spade's goal was to keep the visual language/design style the same as their old website. The design team and I took this request with the implied stipulation that unless in an instance of loss of functionality. Part of my job on this project was to bring up certain instances where I felt that it was necessary to change the visual language/device currently being used; on these instances I had to state my case. One such instance was the truncation of more than three selections in the product landing page dropdown filter.
The UI/UX projects are predominately e-commerce responsive websites with technologies such as Magento and Shopify. Sketch is used to design, and Invision to share process both internally and with clients.
The retainer work usually is something like batch process/editing photos for a website of one of their many fashion clients—or designing content to appear in mass-marketing email campaigns.
Other clients I have worked with: